© Jeffi Jackson
Lectures, Workshops, Masterclasses
Would you like to learn from an internationally awarded photographer?
Not only technique, but also about the ideas behind award-winning images and the fusion of photography and art?
Here I am: I love to talk and discuss about photography and it is always a pleasure to work with interested people in workshops and masterclasses.
No matter where in the world, I like to be looked over my shoulder and show my photographic interpretation of reality and imagination.
And I help you find your way to better, more interesting and new images.
Learn tips and techniques from me. My courses will inspire, inform and transform the way you capture images.
I will share my experiences and tell some inside stories behind the pictures to enable you to establish your own identity as a photographer. Including advice, tips and tricks on the vital elements of composition, emotion and authenticity, and how to effectively combine them to enhance your work.
But my courses are not about teaching you to photograph the way I do. It’s about getting the most out of the environment, your imagination and your camera to produce your own pictures. It’s about learning to think out of the box. Not to follow the beaten path.
Ok, enough Jedi-Padawan-talk…
My goal is that you unleash your own creativity with your camera.
This includes rediscovering your own visual habits, leaving familiar perspectives to create striking and unusual images.
You’ll get a deep dive into the techniques, compositional tactics, and underlying philosophies of my work.
Whether you are an amateur or a professional photographer – My workshops will help you develop your photographic knowledge and skills, as well as your sense of the right staging of subject, light and composition.
To help you classify yourself and choose the right course, here are a few breakdowns.
And I have a little pdf for you. The Infos to go, so to say: Download
That’s actually where it always starts. Whether workshop or masterclass, first I show a few works and the respective thoughts, backgrounds and ideas to the images.
A lecture can also stand on its own and be integrated into an event, for example.
So the audience can look behind my pictures and learn why I did what and how.
Title: Creative Car Photography
Interactive lecture about exceptional car photography for advertising campaigns, free projects and artistic works by Florian W. Müller.
What are the ideas behind the images? How is a project developed? What are the challenges and how are the often internationally awarded works created?
Approx. 1,5h including Q/A and discussion.
A workshop is usually a short, 1-3 days intensive educational program for a relatively small group of people.
For me, there is a maximum of 12 people in a workshop.
We focus on basic techniques and ways of expression with the camera. Tasks are solved and pictures are taken even in small groups, which are later discussed in the group.
Post-processing on the computer is also part of it.
How do I find an exciting image composition? The focus is on creative image creation, dynamic image composition and setup, interaction of environment/daylight and car.
Including digital post-processing (Capture One, Adobe Lightroom) and image selection.
max. 12
Day 1:
Morning (10 am) Meeting, getting to know the participants and Florian W. Mueller.Intensive introduction to the topic “Creative Car Photography” by Florian W. Mueller and outlook on the workshop.
Noon: Lunch and preparation for the shooting, departure to the location (or lunch already takes place on location)
Rest of the day: Shooting! In between change of location
Day 2:
Very early morning (7am) Shooting on location Morning (11am): Debriefing of the shooting day and morning, outlook to digital post-productionNoon: Lunch
Afternoon: Joint editing and post-production of the final selected images
Evening: Dinner together
- Basic knowledge of photography and a (photo) camera.
- Basic knowledge of digital image processing (Adobe Lightroom or Capture One, Adobe Photoshop)
- Either own camera (Digital camera of any type with the possibility of manual setting (programs P, A, S, M, for Canon/Pentax: P, TV, AV, M).
Or a camera will be provided by Leica for the duration of the workshop - A tripod is essential. Those who do not have one can get a tripod from the organizer.
The premium stuff. You already know the technical basics of photography. The offer of a masterclass is aimed at photographers who are looking for a challenge in a 2-5 days course.
Masterclass participants usually already have fairly advanced knowledge but want to learn directly from me as an expert.
My masterclasses have a maximum of 6 participants, so I can deal with each one individually and for each participant it will be a personal experience.
A masterclass includes more days of shooting, post-processing and discussing the images. And as a crowning finale, there is a small exhibition of the best works of the participants. Because nothing is more rewarding than your own picture, professionally produced and hung on the wall.
Title: CREATIVE CAR PHOTOGRAPHY in available light
Extraordinary works of art with cars. Intensive workshop in a small group on the topic of car photography in available light with a focus on creative image composition, dynamic image composition and composition, interaction of environment/location and automobile.
What are the ideas behind the images? How is a project developed? What are the challenges and how are the often internationally awarded works created?
Including creative photographic techniques such as multiple exposure, long exposure and artistic post-production.
max. 6
Day 1:
Morning (10 am) Meeting, getting to know the participants and Florian W. Mueller.
Intensive introduction to the topic “Creative Car Photography” by Florian W. Mueller and outlook on the workshop.Noon: Lunch and preparation for the shooting, departure to the location (or lunch already takes place on location)
Rest of the day: Shooting! In between change of location
Day 2:
Very early morning (7am) Shooting on location Morning (11am): Debriefing of the shooting day and morning, outlook to digital post-productionNoon: Lunch
Afternoon: Joint editing and post-production of the final selected images
Evening: Dinner together
Day 3:
Morning (10 am): Final get-together, further tips & tricks, lecture and exchange on the topic of image presentation.Noon: Lunch
Afterwards exhibition of the own pictures. Friends and relatives of the participants are welcome!
Participants take their own finished pictures with them (approx. 80 x 60cm, laminated or framed).Required
- Basic knowledge of photography and a (photo) camera.
- Basic knowledge of digital image processing (Adobe Lightroom or Capture One, Adobe Photoshop)
- Either own camera (Digital camera of any type with the possibility of manual setting (programs P, A, S, M, for Canon/Pentax: P, TV, AV, M).
Or a camera will be provided by Leica for the duration of the workshop - A tripod is essential. Those who do not have one can get a tripod from the organizer.

Ready for the next step?
Then sign up for my newsletter, then you get the fastest way the current dates and opportunities to expand and professionalize your own photographic skills with my help!
I hold my lectures, workshops and masterclasses either in German or English, depending on where they take place, and I look forward to curious participants!
Let’s connect, if I can do anything for you:
mail: mail@florianwm.com
phone: +49 2234 21 98 169
mobile: +49 175 20 69 471