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the feed to read
fresh from the press
news to use
A newspaper, not a snooze paper
You read - you know...
NY Photography Awards Winner
I won 2x Gold and 8x Silver at the New York Photography Awards 2024!
CU at the YEAST photography festival
Exhibition “CŪ” at the YEAST photo festival, Italy.
Exhibition Leica Gallery Duesseldorf
Exhibition “Ansichtssache Duesseldorf” in the Leica Gallery Duesseldorf.
Singularity perpetual calendar
My award winning perpetual calendar SINGULARITY
NFT Photography
21. November 2021
Well, well, until now, when it came to bitcoins, blockchain and so on, I always thought “Crypto-Schmypto”, let the others do it.
Since the “digital revolution” in photography, when I said “This will never catch on, I’ll keep taking analogue photos” and was soon proven wrong, I’ve been looking into the topic of NFTs (non-fungible tokens).
And I have to say, it’s actually a great invention to transparently assign digital data (and thus also pictures, videos, etc.) to an owner on a blockchain.
On the one hand, it’s a great way to defend copyrights, and on the other hand, to verify digital art.
And so as not to be the last again, I’m now also on board. Some of my works can now be purchased as files on Foundation.app.
Very exciting…